It is the philosophy of Mount St Bernard College that young people need to be provided with an engaging and challenging curriculum, relevant to their needs now and in the future.
The College’s curriculum is diverse and its structure is flexible to cater to individual requirements. Students are encouraged to become life-long learners and achieve at the highest level no matter what educational direction they choose to follow.
Mount St Bernard College offers a broad formal curriculum in Year 7 and 8, providing all students access to a range of subjects. In Years 9 and 10 all students are immersed in the core curriculum as well as selecting electives according to personal preference and academic interest. During Year 10 students are able to certify their prior and current learnings in pursuit of a Certificate I in Workplace Skills.
In the senior years students can select from a range of Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA) subjects as wells as QCAA Registered subjects. MSB also offers a range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses and facilitates access to school-based apprenticeships. This range of options takes into account the various pathways open to students, whether it is an ATAR for entrance to tertiary studies, the acquiring of a Queensland Certificate of Education, accessing TAFE sector Vocational Education courses, undertaking trade apprenticeships, or seeking direct entry into the world of work.
At all levels, some students find themselves challenged by the academic curriculum. Some are gifted and talented and need the stimulation and encouragement of advanced learning opportunities to extend and develop their gifts. For students facing challenges in their learning, support is offered through literacy and numeracy supportive intervention modules, individualised programs and one-on-one support where appropriate. In many cases government funding is accessed to facilitate delivery of these programs.